Here's a sneak preview of what you'll see if you come to 5511 Shoalwood Avenue on this year's NARI tour of remodeled homes.
It's a whole-house remodel with a new master suite. Our clients wanted a single-story house, so the project had to dance around a huge pecan tree that dominates the lot. The gallery/library that connects the master to the rest of the house hovers above the root zone of the tree, and all of the new piers were hand-dug to avoid the root systems. As with all any of our projects, solving problems with ultra-challenging constraints is how we create homes with character and personality.
We rearranged almost every inch of the original house to connect it better to the backyard and restore some order to the sequence of spaces, so there's a lot to see inside.
Way out back, we built a very cool and funky workshop/garage that we're pretty tickled with, too.
In a collaborative effort, builder Lee Mackenzie added amazing craftsmanship and detail to our design, with real timber joinery on the front porch and lots of detail inside.
Come check it out on Oct. 24th or 25th!
Photos by R. Greg Hursley.